Prizes and Awards

  • Marc Mezard, Member of Académie des Sciences, Institut de France, 2024
  • Marc Mezard, Member of Accademia dei Lincei, 2023
  • Andrea Celli (PI), PLA-STEER: Semi-Centralized Platforms for Steering Online Multi-Learner Environments, ERC Starting Grant 2024, proj. code 101165466
  • Debora Nozza (PI), PERSONAE: Personalized and Subjective approaches to Natural Language Processing, ERC Starting Grant 2023, proj. code 101116095
  • Giulio Malavolta (PI), ObfusQation: Code Obfuscation in a Quantum World, ERC Starting Grant 2022, proj. code 101077455
  • Alon Rosen (PI), FGC: Fine-Grained Cryptography, EU, ERC Advanced Grant 2020, proj. code 101019547
  • Dirk Hovy (PI), INTEGRATOR: Incorporating Demographic Factors into Natural Language Processing Models, ERC Starting Grant 2020, proj. code 949944
  • Luca Trevisan (PI), SO-ReCoDi: Spectral and Optimization Techniques for Robust Recovery, Combinatorial Constructions, and Distributed Algorithms, ERC Advanced Grant 2018, proj. code 834861
  • Francesca Buffa (PI), Micro-C: Agent-Based Modelling of Gene Networks to model clonal selection in the tumour microenvironment and predict therapeutic resistance, ERC Consolidator Grant 2017, proj. code 772970
  • Carlo Baldassi (Co-PI), Explainable Models for Protein Design, PRIN 2022, proj. code J53D23001490001
  • Andrea Celli (PI), Targeted Learning Dynamics: Computing Efficient and Fair Equilibria through No-Regret Algorithms, PRIN 2022, proj. code J53D23007170001
  • Carlo Lucibello (Co-PI), Land(e)scapes: Statistical Physics theory and algorithms for Inference and Learning problems, PRIN 2022, proj. code J53D23001330001
  • Enrico Malatesta (Co-PI), Statistical Mechanics of Learning Machines: from algorhitmic and information-theoretical limits to new biologically inspired paradigms, PRIN 2022, proj. code J53D23003650001
  • Luca Saglietti (Co-PI), SELF-MADE - SELF-supervised learning: a Model-based Analysis to Decode its Effectiveness, PRIN 2022, proj. code J53D23001390001
  • Carlo Lucibello (PI), When deep learning is not enough: creating hard benchmarks and physics-inspired algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems, PRIN 2022, proj. code J53D23016170001
  • Dirk Hovy (PI), INDOMITA: INnovative Demographically-aware hate speech detection in Online Media in ITAlian, FARE 2020, proj. code J43C22000990001
  • Luca Trevisan (PI), PAReCoDi: Probabilistic Analysis of Recovery Problems, Combinatorial Objects, and Distributed Computing, FARE 2020, proj. code J43C22000970001
  • Francesca Buffa (Co-PI), Ruolo delle analisi computazionali nello sviluppo di nuovi biomarcatori e farmaci innovativi nei pazienti con glioblastoma, Fondazione Pisa 2023, proj. code 2021-3641
  • Francesca Buffa (PI), Impact of circulating biomarkers in patients with glioblastoma, Fondazione Giovanni Celeghin, Bando 2022-2023
  • Alon Rosen (PI), Cryptography: a crossroads of disciplines? Where economics law learning and computational complexity meet, Fondazione Cariplo, Bando-ERC-2021
  • Nicolas Brunel (Co-PI), Canonical computations for motor learning by the cerebellar cortex micro-circuit, National Institutes of Health (NIH), 2019
  • Laura Sanità (PI), Efficient algorithms for discrete optimization problems, NWO Vidi ENW 2019