Prizes and Awards
- Marc Mezard, Member of Académie des Sciences, Institut de France, 2024
- Marc Mezard, Member of Accademia dei Lincei, 2023
- Andrea Celli (PI), PLA-STEER: Semi-Centralized Platforms for Steering Online Multi-Learner Environments, ERC Starting Grant 2024, proj. code 101165466
- Debora Nozza (PI), PERSONAE: Personalized and Subjective approaches to Natural Language Processing, ERC Starting Grant 2023, proj. code 101116095
- Giulio Malavolta (PI), ObfusQation: Code Obfuscation in a Quantum World, ERC Starting Grant 2022, proj. code 101077455
- Alon Rosen (PI), FGC: Fine-Grained Cryptography, EU, ERC Advanced Grant 2020, proj. code 101019547
- Dirk Hovy (PI), INTEGRATOR: Incorporating Demographic Factors into Natural Language Processing Models, ERC Starting Grant 2020, proj. code 949944
- Luca Trevisan (PI), SO-ReCoDi: Spectral and Optimization Techniques for Robust Recovery, Combinatorial Constructions, and Distributed Algorithms, ERC Advanced Grant 2018, proj. code 834861
- Francesca Buffa (PI), Micro-C: Agent-Based Modelling of Gene Networks to model clonal selection in the tumour microenvironment and predict therapeutic resistance, ERC Consolidator Grant 2017, proj. code 772970
- Carlo Baldassi (Co-PI), Explainable Models for Protein Design, PRIN 2022, proj. code J53D23001490001
- Andrea Celli (PI), Targeted Learning Dynamics: Computing Efficient and Fair Equilibria through No-Regret Algorithms, PRIN 2022, proj. code J53D23007170001
- Carlo Lucibello (Co-PI), Land(e)scapes: Statistical Physics theory and algorithms for Inference and Learning problems, PRIN 2022, proj. code J53D23001330001
- Enrico Malatesta (Co-PI), Statistical Mechanics of Learning Machines: from algorhitmic and information-theoretical limits to new biologically inspired paradigms, PRIN 2022, proj. code J53D23003650001
- Luca Saglietti (Co-PI), SELF-MADE - SELF-supervised learning: a Model-based Analysis to Decode its Effectiveness, PRIN 2022, proj. code J53D23001390001
- Carlo Lucibello (PI), When deep learning is not enough: creating hard benchmarks and physics-inspired algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems, PRIN 2022, proj. code J53D23016170001
- Dirk Hovy (PI), INDOMITA: INnovative Demographically-aware hate speech detection in Online Media in ITAlian, FARE 2020, proj. code J43C22000990001
- Luca Trevisan (PI), PAReCoDi: Probabilistic Analysis of Recovery Problems, Combinatorial Objects, and Distributed Computing, FARE 2020, proj. code J43C22000970001
- Francesca Buffa (Co-PI), Ruolo delle analisi computazionali nello sviluppo di nuovi biomarcatori e farmaci innovativi nei pazienti con glioblastoma, Fondazione Pisa 2023, proj. code 2021-3641
- Francesca Buffa (PI), Impact of circulating biomarkers in patients with glioblastoma, Fondazione Giovanni Celeghin, Bando 2022-2023
- Alon Rosen (PI), Cryptography: a crossroads of disciplines? Where economics law learning and computational complexity meet, Fondazione Cariplo, Bando-ERC-2021
- Nicolas Brunel (Co-PI), Canonical computations for motor learning by the cerebellar cortex micro-circuit, National Institutes of Health (NIH), 2019
- Laura Sanità (PI), Efficient algorithms for discrete optimization problems, NWO Vidi ENW 2019
- Nicolas Brunel, Braitenberg award, 2023
- Nicolas Brunel, SFN Swartz prize, 2021
- Andrea Celli, awarded a best paper award at NeurIPS 2020.
- Luca Saglietti, “Laplace Chair” fellowship (1 year), CFM and ENS (competitive pay), Paris
- Alon Rosen, TCC test of time award, 2017
- Riccardo Zecchina and Marc Mezard, awarded (with G. Parisi) the Lars Onsager Prize in Theoretical Statistical Physics by the American Physical Society "For innovative work applying spin glass ideas to computational problem sets, producing both new classes of efficient algorithms and new perspectives on phase transitions in their structure and complexity," 2016
- Riccardo Zecchina, E. Kramer Prize for contributions in biophysics and biomathematics, Milan Academy of Sciences, 2015
- Marc Mezard, Humboldt Gay-Lussac Prize of the Humboldt Foundation (Germany), 2009