Prizes and Awards


Andrea Celli, awarded a best paper award at NeurIPS 2020.

Francesca Buffa, European Research Council Consolidator Programme Award (applying for extension to 2024).

Andrea Celli, awarded the 2017 Lesmo prize for the best Italian MSc Thesis in Artificial Intelligence.

Luca Saglietti, “Optime” award, Regione Piemonte

Alon Rosen, Award for excellence from the Council of Higher Education, Israel, 1999–2003.


Luca Trevisan, Fellow of the ACM

Luca Saglietti, “Laplace Chair” fellowship (1 year), CFM and ENS (competitive pay), Paris

Luca Saglietti, Fellowship (10 months), Human Genetics Foundation, Turin

Alon Rosen, Rothschild Postdoctoral Fellowship, 2003-2004

  • Francesca Buffa, EDRO Fellowship to attend the 1 st Workshop on Biology in Radiation Oncology, Arhus, NL
  • Luca Trevisan, Sloan Research Fellowship

Alon Rosen, TCC test of time award (Test of Time Award)

  • Riccardo Zecchina and Marc Mezard, awarded (with G. Parisi) the Lars Onsager Prize  in Theoretical Statistical Physics by the American Physical Society "For innovative work applying spin glass ideas to computational problem sets, producing both new classes of efficient algorithms and new perspectives on phase transitions in their structure and complexity,"
  • Riccardo Zecchina, 2015, E. Kramer Prize, 2015, for contributions in biophysics and biomathematics, Milan Academy of Sciences.
  • Marc Mezard, Humboldt Gay-Lussac Prize of the Humboldt Foundation (Germany)
  • Alon Rosen, The Elchanan E. Bondi Memorial Ph.D. Distinction Prize, Weizmann Institute, 2004.
  • Francesca Buffa, PhD, Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), University of London, UK. PhD Prize
  • Francesca Buffa, 1 st Prize PhD Project Presentations. “Mathematical modelling of radiation response in hypoxic conditions” (Abstract published in: Med Phys 29259)
  • Luca Trevisan, Oberwolfach Prize
  • Francesca Buffa, 1 st Prize PhD Project Presentations. “Mathematical modelling of radiation response in hypoxic conditions” (Abstract published in: Med Phys 29259)
  • Alon Rosen, Horizon 2020 Consortium member - EU PROMETHEUS: PRivacy preserving pOst-quantuM systEms from advanced crypTograpHic mEchanisms (400,000 EUR)
  • Dirk Hovy, ERC Starting Grant INTEGRATOR, PI (1.5M EUR)
  • Luca Trevisan, ERC Advanced Grant
  • Dirk Hovy, Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, co-PI (1.1M EUR total, 248K EUR as co-PI)
  • Dirk Hovy, Twitter Health Metrics grant, co-PI ($1.3M total, 190K EUR as coPI) - Faculty research grant, marketing department Bocconi, PI (10,000 EUR as PI)
  • Alon Rosen, ERC Starting Grant, Fast and Sound Cryptography (€1.5mln)