Alon Rosen

I am a full professor at the Department of Computing Sciences, Bocconi University, Milan. I have a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Weizmann Institute of Science. I spent two years as postdoc in the Cryptography Group of MIT's Computer Science and AI Lab, and two years as a postdoc in the Center for Research on Computation and Society at Harvard's department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Before coming to Bocconi I spent 13 years as a professor in IDC Herzliya.
Recently I have been interested in fine-grained cryptography, space-efficient zero-knowledge proofs, secure computation in a one-way communication model, and also looking into the cryptographic implications of lossy reductions.
Limits on the efficiency of (ring) LWE-based non-interactive key exchange
JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY, 2022My areas of expertise are in theoretical computer science and cryptography. I have made contributions to the foundational and practical study of zero-knowledge protocols, as well as fast lattice-based cryptography. I co-introduced the ring-SIS problem and related SWIFFT hash function, as well as the Learning with Rounding problem. More recently I have studied the cryptographic hardness of finding a Nash equilibrium in a game, as well as average-case fine-grained hardness and applications to cryptography.