Carlo Baldassi


I graduated in Trieste in Theoretical Physics with a thesis in applications to Computer Science and large scale discrete optimization problems. I then moved to Turin where I did a PhD in Computational Neuroscience, and also got interested in Bioinformatics and inference problems. Throughout I kept an eye on theoretical aspects of Machine Learning and Neural Networks, which are my main focus lately.

Associate Professor
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I've been the director of the BSc in Mathematical and Computing Sciences for Artificial Intelligence (BAI) since 2023/24.

Research interests

My research interests focus on the application of Statistical Mechanics to machine learning and computational neuroscience, and more generally to large-scale inference and optimization problems. Lately I've been particularly interested in studying the loss landscape of neural networks, analytically and numerically.

Working papers
P Chaudhari, A Choromanska, S Soatto, Y LeCun, C Baldassi, C Borgs, J Chayes, L Sagun, R Zecchina
ICLR 2017, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 2019
C Baldassi, F Gerace, HJ Kappen, C Lucibello, L Saglietti, E Tartaglione, R Zecchina
Physical review letters, 2018
C Baldassi, R Zecchina
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2018
C Baldassi, F Pittorino, R Zecchina
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2019
Selected Publications

I teach and have taught a number of programming courses, from undergraduate to PhD level, using Python and Julia.