Conceptual Challenges in AI: from ML to Average-Case Computation and Cryptography

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Held in Milan from 20th May 2024 to 24th May 2024

Welcome! The purpose of this workshop is to exchange ideas between AI, cryptography, average-case complexity, and statistical physics. We aim to bring together experts in these areas in order to share recent research and develop new connections between these important fields. We have scheduled a diverse set of talks ranging from learning dynamics of neural networks, to evidence of hardness for random optimization problems, to cryptographic applications of hard computational tasks. Check out the schedule below.

The workshop is being co-organized under the Physics and ML research pillar of the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) and the CIFRA Institute. The workshop organizers are Nicolas Brunel, Chris Jones, Bert Kappen, Carlo Lucibello, Enrico Malatesta, Marc Mézard, Tamer Mour, Gabriele Perugini, Alon Rosen, Luca Saglietti, Nikolaj I. Schwartzbach, Sofia Vallecorsa, Riccardo Zecchina.

The workshop is located in the Roentgen building at Bocconi University located at 📍 Via Guglielmo Röntgen 1, 20136 Milano, MI.

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All times are indicated in CEST (Central European Summer Time). Program subject to change.